Hello my friends,
This blogpost is actually a video message that I want to share to you. I recognize that the Big Majority of you on my email list are striving in your purpose and calling to make a difference to others. There are times on your journey, that the way is paved with plenty of obstacles and hurdles, there to slow you down or at worst get you to stop. The video’s message is simple; keep watering the dream and it will grow beyond your wildest imagination!
Let’s be real about this, when you are faced with seeing slow or no results in your life or business, dealing with plenty of naysayers and haters mocking and laughing at you, the path to success traveled by those brave souls can be lonely, angry, exhausting and even downright scary. Keep looking up, continue moving forward, because there are times when something you see or someone will come along and provide you with a spark or just enough fuel to keep you going just a little farther. This is what this video is about: Click here to view the Video – The Bamboo Tree
If you are fighting to accomplish a purpose and calling worthwhile to your destiny, don’t put down the water buckets just because you don’t see results right away. It’s sowing time now and for those that have experience in this realm of accomplishment, sowing and reaping doesn’t happen at the same time. Keep sowing because there will come a time after you have watered your dream, that your dream will shower on you!No matter how hot it gets, keep your umbrella close.
Make it HAPPEN!!!
Patrick Jackson “The Action Online”
Click Here to View – The Bamboo Tree!