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  • Good things happen when we share our toys!

    Good things happen when we share our toys! I remember growing up having our friends over to play with toys. Every once in awhile Mom would say to my friends and I that “Good things happen when we share our toys”. If we didn’t share our toys with each other, then pretty soon hard feelings would […]

  • To Achieve Anything in Life…

    To Achieve Anything in Life… I heard this information live and up close from a million dollar earner and entrepreneur, Charles Horton and I want to share with you. Three Steps to achieve anything in life: 1. First your must become aware. Aware of where you are both externally and internally. 2. Second, you must […]

  • It’s Time to Celebrate You!

    It’s Time to Celebrate You! Yes, you read this right, have you set aside some time to Celebrate You? Why or Why not? I know you have your New Year’s Resolutions written down and you look at them from time to time to stay on track. Well, how are you doing on your journey? We […]

  • The Closing

    “The Closing” I recently saw this art print, “The Closing” by Jimmy Dyer and it really inspired me to be and do my best in in bringing ideas, value and solutions to a project, so that I could sit at the “closing table” making decisions and doing deals. In the painting, I love looking at […]

  • Are Your Door Open for Success?

    Are Your Door Open for Success? Keep the door open for opportunity and success and good things are sure to invite themselves in. I am glad that my door was open to this $20 opportunity that allows me to enjoy my work, assist others with time and financial freedom as well as spend quality time […]

  • For Entrepreneurs on the Go!

    For Entrepreneurs on the Go! Are you the type of person that is running from meeting to meeting, appointment to appointment, with no time to catch up and organize your business with the mileage and expenses incurred during your daily operations? This is a must read and a business tool that I suggest you have in […]

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