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  • Advocacy in Sports

    Advocacy in Sports Mission accomplished! I’m thankful to be invited as a participant with the NFL to be a part of this Advocacy in Sports workshop sponsored by Morehouse College and RISE organization. I’m here with Dr. David Wall Rice, Associate Provost and Dept. of Psychology Chair at Morehouse College, who facilitated the workshop along […]

  • To Achieve Anything in Life…

    To Achieve Anything in Life… I heard this information live and up close from a million dollar earner and entrepreneur, Charles Horton and I want to share with you. Three Steps to achieve anything in life: 1. First your must become aware. Aware of where you are both externally and internally. 2. Second, you must […]

  • How to Score Your Top Ten Priorities for Better Results!

    How to Score Your Top Ten Priorities for Better Results! What an eye opening activity for my business and me personally, that have literally awaken me to see that I can, I will and I must do better each day to be successful in achieving my goals. I enjoy reading and finding different ways of […]

  • The Faces of Leadership!

    The Faces of Leadership! This is me in deep thought regarding a statement below that I read the other day in the Harvard Business Review regarding leadership. “The Leader must cope with the least capable, the suspicious, the self centered, the ungrateful, the haters, the uninspired and the generally the unhappy person, all while not becoming […]

  • Leaders are Readers

    Leaders are Readers I thought I would take a quick snapshot of a few books I am reading for this 2014 year. I have always been a reader from a very early age and when I heard this quote, “Leaders are Readers”, that really inspired me further to read as much as I can. I want […]

  • Network Marketing GOO-ROOS Will Not Win!

    Network Marketing GOO-ROOS Will Not Win! My friend, this post is a “must-read” coming from one of my teammates, that is breaking down the network marketing ‘team build’ in real talk terms. In most programs that are “direct sales” deals and just pretending to play “network marketing” you can tell because they simply design it […]

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