How to Score Your Top Ten Priorities for Better Results!

What an eye opening activity for my business and me personally, that have literally awaken me to see that I can, I will and I must do better each day to be successful in achieving my goals. I enjoy reading and finding different ways of challenging myself in growing and becoming a better person as well as a businessman in all of my endeavors and pursuits. I understand that whatever goal is in front of me, I have to deliver consistent results to be successful. Positive results is the name of the game and how we go about achieving these results is what I will share with you today.
A few weeks ago I came across this challenge that is taking my business to a higher level. This challenge requires me to isolate some key priority items that I have to work and complete in my business in order for the results to be positive as the end result. Farther down in this post I will give you the plan however I want to give you the key to it all, in what I would call the “secret sauce” to determines the winners and losers of the game and that is to keep score of your results.
Yes many times we look at the end result of how much money was made or which goals were accomplished and which goals are still hanging in the balance without ever looking into the process of what made the end result or the score look the way it look. Whether you finish the journey as a winner or loser.
Now how do we keep score
I use this formula and like I alluded to earlier, it is definitely eye opening and I challenge each and everyone of you to add it to your game-plan and see, I mean really see where you are with your priorities, your production on these priorities and how your results will look. You can choose to do the score based on however many days you work during the week. We are entrepreneurs for a reason and we don’t like to conform to a 40 hours a week structure, with the 1 hour lunchbreak and then leave our work at the office over the weekend until we get back on Monday. We like our time freedom and the fact that we determine the price for our services based on the value we put in the hours we work. For this post, let’s look at a 5 day week to keep things simple.
Let’s get started…
1. Write down all of the activities that are Top Priority Items that must get done to move your business toward the goal you set out to achieve.
2. Narrow this list of priorities to a Top Ten list. This Top Ten list is what will determine your day to day workload and it will be the driving force of what it takes to WIN! All of the other work activities you left off of this Top Ten list will either be delegated out to an assistant or may become your things to do after you finish the Top Ten priorities.
(Oh yes, it’s a thinking man’s game and before you go right to implementing this list, you need to dive deep into the determining the items that will actually be considered as the Top Ten Priority items and this can take some time.
3. Now you have everything written down and you are on your way to getting the day started in beast mode and checking items off one by one. You work off of your plan for a few days, checking off priority items on the list, kicking yourself for the items that didn’t get done on a particular day and now a full work week has come to a completion and now it’s time to see our score.
4. At the start of the next week, it’s time to track the previous week and give ourselves a score. For those daily 10 activities if you completed all ten, then your score would be 100% Grade A. If you only completed 6 out of 10 items then you scored 60% and in the schools where I come from, 60% was not a passing grade. You calculate each day’s score and then total the numbers for those 5 days will show you your score and how productive you are when it comes to getting your top priority items completed on a daily basis.
In a perfect world and on a super productive day our goal should be 100% however if you are just getting started with this system, the powers that be, lowered it somewhat for us to strive for a weekly goal of 80-85%. When I first saw this 80-85% as a goal, I was like, what 80%, I can do that because I am Action Jackson and I get my work done on a consistent basis. I’m a Go Getter and I will achieve my goals!
My Results!
Well I am sad to report that my first 5 day score results was an anemic 60% and I thought I was getting things done. I looked at that number 60% for awhile and then focused my attention on what got done and what didn’t get done. This really will change the way you look at your business and make you understand why you are accomplishing your goals or not. You will go to your own business school and learn lessons about you and your business that only keeping score will teach you. I noticed that on the first day, I hit all 10 of my Top Ten Priority items and Wow was I feeling great. But as the week kept progressing and other stuff like new ideas, distractions, making adjustments to some old priorities, etc… start crowding my daily to do’s, the attention to priorities started getting away from me. All it takes is to complete 3 to 4 priority items and leave the other 6 or 7 undone and you will see that it doesn’t take long for your score to drop because again this is done on a daily basis and there is no time to waste.
To keep myself as well as you encourage and inspired to be more successful in your business I challenge you to get started with this scoring challenge right today. Be completely honest with yourself because after all, this is your business, your goals and ultimately your success that you are tracking and you are not doing me or most importantly yourself any favors by fudging the numbers and whether or not you completed your daily priority items. Please share your comments after week 1, I would love to know your score and also how this will ultimately assist you on your way to a more successful last few months of 2015.
Let’s Do It!
P. Jackson – The Action Online
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