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  • Click of a Button Makes Sense Right?

    Most people know about amazon, eBay and e-commerce as a way to purchase products with a click of a button on a laptop or mobile device and you never have to leave your home. What’s even more convenient is applying the same click of a button on your laptop or mobile device and start earning […]

  • How to Score Your Top Ten Priorities for Better Results!

    How to Score Your Top Ten Priorities for Better Results! What an eye opening activity for my business and me personally, that have literally awaken me to see that I can, I will and I must do better each day to be successful in achieving my goals. I enjoy reading and finding different ways of […]

  • Last Minute Deals for the 2014 Holidays

    Last Minute Deals for the 2014 Holidays That’s right, those boxes you see are the last few products, in our last minute deals category, that we have prepped for the end of the year 2014 holiday shopping season. These products are on their way out to Amazon fulfillment centers across the country, to be sold […]

  • Network Marketing GOO-ROOS Will Not Win!

    Network Marketing GOO-ROOS Will Not Win! My friend, this post is a “must-read” coming from one of my teammates, that is breaking down the network marketing ‘team build’ in real talk terms. In most programs that are “direct sales” deals and just pretending to play “network marketing” you can tell because they simply design it […]

  • I Heard it was an Inside Job!

    I Heard it was an Inside Job! Starting Inside is the Key? By believing it is an inside job, successful and joyous people understand that one of the main reasons they are this way is because of the work they have invested in themselves first before allowing the outside forces to come in. The statement […]

  • How to Erase Your Daily To Do List

    How to Erase Your Daily To Do List Do You Have Too Much on Your Plate? Are you one of those persons that write down a lot of tasks and activities on your to do list only to review at the end of the week and realize that you only took care of a few […]

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