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  • Do Leaders Make Bad Managers?

    Leaders are bad Managers! Alright Leaders hold up, wait a minute, take a deep breath… calm down! I just thought I would title this post this way to get your attention and blood flowing a little bit. This is a pretty lengthy post however if you are a leader, a manager or a director of […]

  • Becoming a Better Leader (Simple Concept #2 of 11) Storytelling

    I wrote about the first concept to becoming a better leader which was to become a better listener. For today, let’s go into the 2nd of 11 Simple Concepts of becoming a better leader by Dave Kerpen. Here is a quote that is true in every sense of the word; “Storytelling is the most powerful […]

  • Tired and Stressed Leaders Need to Read This

    Attention Leaders! There are times when you as a leader are pulled in many directions to bring solutions to  issues and your battery can get drained fast. When you get tired you just want to shut out everyone and go into your own little world. No matter what industry you are in, the bottom line is that this is a […]

  • When the Big Hit Happen, Will You Get Up?

    I want to close out the 2012 year imparting some wisdom for you to take with you into the 2013 New Year. I was watching a video of one of my closest friends from my hometown Tyler, Texas (Gary Jones-Pittsburgh Steelers/former Tx A&M Aggie/Former JT Lion) making a “Big Hit” on a receiver. This was […]

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