F_C_ the FEAR – Mission Accomplished!

Hello my friends,
FACE the Fear – Mission Accomplished! C’mon people, what did you have in mind when you saw the title of this post? You must admit, it did catch your attention right? FACE the fear and accomplish your mission! Anytime you have a dream, an idea or goal you want, fear and doubt sometimes creeps in and causes you to be a little timid when going after it. At a recent affiliate marketing (clickbank) conference in NYC, I made up my mind not to leave without accomplishing the 3 things I set out to accomplish.

1. Sit on top of the “Charging of the Bull” statue near Wall Street
2. Learn and implement 3 strategies for additional income opportunities
3. Identify and Set up a Joint Venture partner

An idea came to me several years ago after visiting New York City and seeing the “Charging of the Bull” statue. This statue is one of NY City’s top attraction for tourists and it symbolizes the strength and power of the American people. I made a promise to myself that the next time I visit New York, I was going to sit on top of that bull; there was nothing other than going to jail that would stop me. The fear that raised its ugly head was, what would others think or say about me on the bull, if I couldn’t make the climb on the bull’s back I would have to face the embarrassment, or the strongest fear of being led off to by the NYPD. After playing these and many other scenarios of fear over and over in my head, I immediately calculated the risks and assessed the situation and surroundings and when the opportunity presented itself I took my chance: Mission Accomplished!

2. The second mission to go after was to learn and implement 3 different strategies for additional income opportunities. This task  was an “eye opener” for me and not as complex as I thought they would be. There is always a fear of leaving your comfort zone and being open minded enough to try new or different ideas and strategies. I also had to keep in mind the humility factor and remind myself that I don’t know everything and to remain coachable. It is an absolute pleasure to be in a room full of smart and hungry entrepreneurs that are not only talking and sharing ideas but also implementing and creating products from what they learned.

There are many marketing ideas in this marketing industry and to keep it brief, here are my three that I have started to implement heavily in my business operations. These strategies include setting up partnerships with Amazon.com, Clickbank and Flipping Domain names similar to flipping real estate properties. These ideas can be something special if and when you have the right tools, know-how and marketing business coach guiding you along this affiliate marketing journey: Mission Accomplished!

3. Identifying and forming a joint venture partnership is crucial when you want to leverage your time and resources to create more valuable services and opportunities on a larger scale. The fear that comes up with this goal, is  that while networking and meeting new people, you have to open up the communication process about your ideas, business and in many regards who you are as a business person, to make sure there is a right fit for both parties concerned. 

Statistics show that public speaking is one of the biggest fears that many human beings have and many times at different conferences you have to be able to stand and/or sit at the table to present your ideas and business model in a way to attract someone to your team. I am glad to say that I am working with 2 other business people in different parts of the world that are working hard to accomplish the same goal: Mission Accomplished!

To wrap it up, fear is an emotion that is natural to us as humans however no matter what and how the fear presents itself to you, when you have a mission to accomplish, find your Bull and get on Top of it! I know you can do it, just believe you can and take action.
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Patrick Jackson “The Action Online”

Written by Action

I am the owner of Action Online Marketing Company, LLC, which is an Online Marketing and Publishing Company. I love God, family and living life to the fullest. I enjoy my role as an entrepreneur where I have the freedom to dream bigger, mastermind with smarter people than I and focus on executing the plans to success. I tell you what, just head on over to the About Me page and get the inside scoop. Make it HAPPEN!!!

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