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  • You Have to Believe it to See it!

    You Have to Believe it to See it! I have my glasses off for effect however many times we try to see things that may or may not be in front of us before we can actually believe it. Have you ever imagine something that looks so clear to you and you knew could be […]

  • We are Hiring for an “Inside Job” Position

    We are Hiring for an “Inside Job” Position I’m not really hiring for an “Inside Job” position but you should be hiring for it yourself. As a leader and business owner, the moment I get out of the bed, my mind is set on go and you are probably wired the same way. You wear […]

  • “The Eagle has Landed”at an Event Near You

    “The Eagle has Landed” at an Event Near You I’m excited and ready to grow, grow, grow! This is why you see me in my “The Eagle has Landed” pose above because I have just arrived in Las Vegas ready to make it happen at this Marketing event. One of my goals this year is to […]

  • It’s Time to Celebrate You!

    It’s Time to Celebrate You! Yes, you read this right, have you set aside some time to Celebrate You? Why or Why not? I know you have your New Year’s Resolutions written down and you look at them from time to time to stay on track. Well, how are you doing on your journey? We […]

  • Happy New Year 2015

    Happy New Year 2015 Every New Year’s day morning, as I seek to embark on new journeys, new dreams and new territories, I’m always blessed to come back home to Tyler, Texas and remember to invest a little time at a place that not only gave me the confidence and willingness to grind but also […]

  • Taking Notes is Good but there is something Better!

    Taking Notes is Good but there is something Better! I’m fully locked and loaded with my pen, notepad, mountain dew and my own book to jot down key “Action Tips” in this business conference. It seems like I am back in school again when it comes to learning and taking notes as you can see […]

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