You Still have Time to Grow!

You Still have Time to Grow!

pj income

I was at a Millionaire Mindset Event the other day and noticed a poster that summed things up in a nutshell and that is that our Income is tied to our Growth. For me, this mean that it’s simply time to Grow!

Most people will start of by asking the questions, “How do I grow when I am in my 3rd, 4th or 5th career? How do I grow when I am too old to learn all of this new age computer stuff? How do I grow when my job keep me so busy that I don’t have time to go to school and learn new skills? How do I grow when there is just not enough time in the day to do it all?” The better question to ask is, WHY should I need to grow in certain areas of my job, certain areas of my education or business? WHY?

The Solution

You have to find a way to invest in yourself. There are sacrifices to be made whenever you think beyond the box and want something more in life than what you currently have.

How do we do this?
To increase our service and value to the marketplace and we start by reading more books, listening to audio books and podcasts and meeting more people that are doing what we want to be doing. I like the quote by Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If you reflect on this quote and apply it in your life, it’s pretty easy to see where you are stacking up in the pecking order.

Our homework assignment for the next few weeks is to challenge ourselves on expanding our horizons by expanding our network to expand our net worth by asking yourself some serious questions about you. Start with Why!
Time to Grow,


Patrick Jackson “The Action Online”
Connect with me by email at

P.S. Click here to Watch this FREE Video on What every Online Business Need to be Successful and Profitable

P.P.S. Get a FREE Online Cash Account and see how to Make Money Online

The Action Online Group has teamed up with a few mastermind groups made up
of Leaders in many fields, Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure
Income Earners!

Below are some of the benefits that are offered through our Partner
teams for driven persons and leaders, interested in an online business for
creating and earning multiple income streams.

Weekly Team Updates!
Think and Grow Rich Morning Mindset Call hosted by Paul Hutchings
(8am CST – 712-432-0900 Access Code 565762#)

Team Training via Google Hangouts, Blab Podcasts and Webinars

Income Disclaimer: Income results are not guaranteed and Your success
depends upon your skills, work effort, and market conditions.
We do not guarantee any level of income or success.


Written by Action

I am the owner of Action Online Marketing Company, LLC, which is an Online Marketing and Publishing Company. I love God, family and living life to the fullest. I enjoy my role as an entrepreneur where I have the freedom to dream bigger, mastermind with smarter people than I and focus on executing the plans to success. I tell you what, just head on over to the About Me page and get the inside scoop. Make it HAPPEN!!!

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