Have you ever started your week in one of those blah, blah feeling days?
Whether you woke up with or without the alarm clock. you just wanted a few more
hours to sleep in and hopefully get well in the process.
Today, I have to admit, has been one of those days where I feel like #!?#!?@*
I have this hacking cough, body chills and a sore throat to match and it is safe
to say that I am just not feeling good at all! I have videos to
shoot, emails to write, webinars to host and trainings to attend, just plain
work to do to reach my goals.
On top of that, I am constantly having my wife come in my office showing me
how our 13 week old daughter, is kissing her all over her face and I am not
allowed to get too close with these “stuff” that I have, is a bummer!
Wow, I felt like going back to bed until I saw this quote that was the perfect
thought for today!
Here’s another good thing that came to mind after I had some time to reflect.
I am glad that I am an internet marketer and work from home because just having
to get up and hit that early morning traffic would have set me over the edge.
SO take this quote with you the next time you are not feeling good and get some work done. Please like and share this blog post if you enjoyed the content.
Enjoy Your Life,
P. Jackson
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