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  • Network Marketing GOO-ROOS Will Not Win!

    Network Marketing GOO-ROOS Will Not Win! My friend, this post is a “must-read” coming from one of my teammates, that is breaking down the network marketing ‘team build’ in real talk terms. In most programs that are “direct sales” deals and just pretending to play “network marketing” you can tell because they simply design it […]

  • Holton Buggs Launch Plan for Your Home Business

    Holton Buggs Launch Plan for Your Home Business Holton Buggs is a million dollar a month earner in the home base business industry and the launch plan lessons he shares in this video can be applied to any network marketing, online marketing and work from home business. Remember, Professionals launch a business amateurs join a […]

  • Thank God it’s Friday… Oh it’s MONDAY! (TGIM)

    Thank God it’s Friday… Oh it’s MONDAY! (TGIM) I want to start this post by saying that no matter what day of the week it is, I am extremely grateful to God that he has allowed me to see another day. Now, when you hear, “Thank God It’s Friday” (TGIF), what is comes to mind? […]

  • There is a Unique Difference Between Opinions and Counsel

    There is a Unique Difference Between Opinions and Counsel Should You Consider the Source When it Comes to Your Business? Wow, this morning’s mindset call centered around opinions and counsel and which one you should be listening too in your business. Guest speaker for this morning’s call was, Greg S. Reid of the Napoleon Hill […]

  • A Big Welcome to the New Entrepreneurs

    A Big Welcome to the New Entrepreneurs Have you Been Corporate Downsized or Facing a Job Layoff? This video is a welcome to those persons, the New Entrepreneurs, that have just experienced a job layoff or got recently downsized from Corporate America. The time is ripe with big opportunities for all of you new entrepreneurs […]

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