How Did “Bob” Become an Overnight Success?

How Did “Bob” Become an Overnight Success?

overnight success

I knew when I was writing this post, that many
curiosity would get to them and want to
know how “Bob” became an Overnight Success.

I want to briefly give you an inside look
on what it takes to become an “overnight success”.

For this particular post, I will reference a person
named “Bob”, (to protect the ambitious) to be the
“Overnight Success” example.

Have you ever checked your email, facebook, youtube,
radio, print ads, tv, radio, etc…


notice that “Bob” is everywhere. He seem to be
doing quite well with his business and

Everyone is inviting him to come speak, to form
partnerships OR whatever, just to be around and
connected with Bob.

Then you hear someone say, “Wow, it seems that
Bob is an overnight success.”

Well, this is how “Bob” became an overnight success:

Overnight, Bob was meditating and visualizing his success.
Overnight, Bob was reading books and stories of those inspirational figures that gave him hope for his ideas and dreams.
Overnight, Bob was concerned about how he could create enough finances to fund his next project.
Overnight, Bob was drinking coffee and other caffeine related drinks to stay awake and finish his daily to do list.
Overnight, Bob was up writing ads and recording videos for solutions to the marketplace problems.
Overnight, Bob was working on his business plans and practicing his presentations for the next days meetings.
Overnight, Bob was looking at and kissing his wife and babies as they slept, to remind him of WHY he was doing the things he was doing.
Overnight, Bob took time to Pray and Thank his Creator for blessing him with the strength, courage and gifts to serve others.
Overnight, Bob was communicating via digital communication methods, such as skype, video hangouts, etc… to guide, train and motivate his business partners and team all across the globe.

Wow… that is a long, Long, LOOONNG Night for Bob, Right?
You and I know better than that!

It surely didn’t take Bob “ONE” night to become an
Overnight Success, it was by a consistent period of
OVERNIGHTS to see his vision and goals manifest.

A lot of hard work, taking risks, sleepless nights and family
sacrifices are made, in order to provide the financial freedom
and purpose he has set out to achieve.

I’t’s quite amusing to hear someone say that “Bob” or You
or any other High Achiever in life is an overnight success.

They see all of the Glory but not the Story! I like the quote,
“It has only taken me 5, 10, 20 or whatever the number of
years to become an Overnight Success!”

Now do you get the picture… that person you hear being labeled
an “overnight success” is truly putting in work OVERNIGHT.


after all of this, they must by the Grace of God and the will of Purpose,
stay awake during the day to accomplish their vision.

I truly hope this help someone along the way and Inspire You to
become an “Overnight Success”.
You Can Do It!

Patrick Jackson

P.S. Click here to see this Online Systems for a BOSS!

The Action Online Group has teamed up with a few mastermind groups made up
of Leaders in many fields, Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure
Income Earners! Below are some of the benefits that is offered through our Partner
teams for driven persons and leaders, interested in my primary online business for
making multiple income streams.

Weekly Team Updates!
Think and Grow Rich Morning Mindset Call (8am CST – 712-432-0900 Access Code 565762#)
Real Talk Wake Up Call (9am CST – 712-432-0600 Access Code 136941#)
Empower Hour Call (Every Monday 8pm CST – 209-255-1040)
Team Training via Google Hangouts and Webinars
Part #1 – Blog Daily
Part #2 – Share your blog with the world!

Written by Action

I am the owner of Action Online Marketing Company, LLC, which is an Online Marketing and Publishing Company. I love God, family and living life to the fullest. I enjoy my role as an entrepreneur where I have the freedom to dream bigger, mastermind with smarter people than I and focus on executing the plans to success. I tell you what, just head on over to the About Me page and get the inside scoop. Make it HAPPEN!!!

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