Add Active Listening Skills to Your Daily Priority List

Add Active Listening Skills to Your Daily Priority List

Are You Really Listening?

In a meeting the other day, while the prospect was sharing info, I notice how everyone was talking and not putting their active listening skills to work with what that person was saying. The meeting lasted longer than anticipated simply because of the back and forth going on with the same response or answers being given in different ways, to basically, the same few questions.

I thought to myself, how many times do I do this when I am with prospects or even with the people in my own household? More often than I care to admit too however I think we are all Professional and courteous enough to understand how to do better when it comes to listening to others.

This image below covers a few points:



Here are Two Key Principles to Apply with our Active Listening Skills:

1. Be Engage

2. Encourage others to talk about themselves

In the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, one of the chapters is on “How to Be a Good Listener” and encourages us to listen to people and encourage them to talk about themselves.

Being an engaged listener not only opens up the doors of communication with the other person but also allows us to gather the right information so that we know how to respond to what they are saying. It really turns people off when you have a come back or answer to their situation as soon as they being it up really before you knew what they were talking about.

Now when we encourage others to talk about themselves here is the caveat for doing this… do it Genuinely.
You know when someone genuinely ask us a question about ourselves or what we are doing, it’s easy for us to give information and also take interest in the other person that we are talking with.

I wanted to share this with you because we live and work in a world where technology has things moving faster than the speed of light and on a global scale. If we don’t take our time and use our active listening skills no matter who we are communicating with as well as where ie. webinars, skype, video conferencing, etc… we can be setting ourselves as well as others up for a not so good experience.

When you use your active listening skills to be engage in the conversation and genuinely encourage others to share the news about their interests and what they are doing, then it’s just a matter of time for the results to manifest itself in your business. Thanks for reading and I hope you receive some value with this post, please like and share with others.
Talk With Me, I’m Listening!


P. Jackson
P. S. Click Here if You Want to Become an Economic Freedom Fighter and Control Your Financial Destiny!

The Action Online Group has teamed up with a few mastermind groups made up of Leaders in many fields, Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners! Below are some of the benefits that is offered through our partner teams for driven persons and leaders, interested in my primary online business for making multiple income streams.

Weekly Team Updates!
Think and Grow Rich Morning Mindset Call (8am CST – 712-432-0900 Access Code 565762#)
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Team Training via Google Hangouts and Webinars
Part #1 – Blog Daily
Part #2 – Share your blog with the world!


Written by Action

I am the owner of Action Online Marketing Company, LLC, which is an Online Marketing and Publishing Company. I love God, family and living life to the fullest. I enjoy my role as an entrepreneur where I have the freedom to dream bigger, mastermind with smarter people than I and focus on executing the plans to success. I tell you what, just head on over to the About Me page and get the inside scoop. Make it HAPPEN!!!

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