Local Librarian Gets the Gameball!
This Program is Bigger than a Game!
We honored “The Coolest, Toughest” Librarian of the USA, Mrs. Lori Stimpson Arteaga and our beloved Mamie G. Griffin Elementary School, with an NFL Alumni Gameball for being the MVP for the work she and the staff have created.
They started the J. W. Ray Library presents “The Village Elders Mentoring Program”, with the Alumnus of Griffin coming back to talk and mentor the young men at the school, in the North Tyler neighborhood.
We have a list of Griffin Alumni Men that we will be calling on to come back and serve these young men and assist them along the way. Stay tuned for the next mentoring class coming up in the very near future!
This Elementary school with the Principal, staff and teachers that got us started on our educational journey, was and still is a Pillar in our community and we are proud to say that we are Griffin Bulldogs!
Put your Game-face on, as you can see, Mrs. Arteaga stays ready so that she don’t have to get ready! She’s showing off with the football and ready to see all of you in the library reading books.
Make it HAPPEN!!!
Patrick Jackson “The Action Online”
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Patrick Jackson