When the Game Slow Down, Challenge Yourself!
I am dealing with the Achilles Tendon Injury and after a few weeks of sitting around the house and doing what the doctor ordered, I can’t help but recall the time I was injured while playing Pro football. While you are rehabbing and in and out of therapy, when you watch your team practice, the game slow down for you. You watch as guys playing your position seem to be moving slow and in a strange way it seems that he openings for opportunity can be seen from a mile away. You can’t help but imagine yourself being out there playing the game and how you would make a different move or just do things faster than what you are seeing there on the sidelines. Of course things do happen a lot faster while engaged in the actual game as oppose to watching from the sidelines however there is an element of truth in what I am stating.
Now instead of the game of football slowing down, it is the game of life that is slowing down for me. I am learning how to take my time and I am seeing opportunities, having ideas and implementing them that I probably would speed right on by if not for this injury situation. Now if you are recovering from an injury, dealing with a job loss or a personal setback, I ask you to challenge yourself. I have decided to take on a 100 day challenge with both my personal and business life and I will be detailing the information that I am learning and will share it with you and how it can help you also.
When it comes to setting and accomplishing goals, here are 10 basic tips for you to know and put in practice.
10 Success Tips When Setting Goals:
1. Mentally Prepare for Success
2. Complete a Massive Action Plan
3. Start Fast
4. Finish Strong
5. Engage with Others
6. Live the Mission
7. Be Consistent
8. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
9. Measure and Adjust Performance Results
10. Enforce Personal Integrity
That’s it for now, stay tuned and you are welcome to share your thoughts and comments.
Join the Challenge,
P. Jackson – The Action Online
Connect with me by email at pjackson@theactiononline.com
P.S. Time freedom to be with my family means everything to me and to have a business that is working for me even while I am recovering from my Achilles Tendon Rupture makes it all worthwhile. No matter what business or hobby you are in, you can benefit with having it online and earning money from it and this is your first step to get started, Click here at Your Action Gameplan
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Information reference source: Loss Letterman #1 Source for College Sports
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